Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Being Yoncé (Part three of 3)

To Read  Previous "Being Yoncé (Part Two of 3)

Every woman needs to relinquish her inner diva

“A diva is a female version of a hustler” which is ‘an aggressively enterprising person; a go-getter’. We’ll just overlook the fact that a “prostitute” is named an example of a ‘hustler’. What Beyoncé means by diva though, is a ‘glamorous woman who has achieved popularity, fame and success’. In other words, a ‘goddess’, which actually translates into ‘diva’ from Latin.

Obviously Beyoncé perfectly embodies a diva. Otherwise she wouldn’t have written a song stating she is the “number one diva in this game”. So when it came to dressing as her, I knew it would be insulting to put in a half-arsed effort; I knew I had to go all out and wanted to have fun with it. From the hair, make-up to the costume and picking out the right accessories. When the night finally came to putting it all together, it was like this magical transformation that happened within me. I was like Cinderella and my Fairy Godmother all in one, telling myself ‘girl, you go have fun at the ball tonight. And keep them glass slippers on, you drunken hoe’ … except I was a more urban, ***Flawless version of that 

Three words for you: "Treat Yo’ Self!"

Donna & Tommy Haverford summarise the joys and importance of treating yourself here

It’s definitely worth asking yourself, ‘when was the last time I went all out, dedicating a decent amount of time and money on myself and spoilt myself rotten doing something I loved and truly felt passionate about?’

Before Halloween, the last time I had my hair professionally done for an outing was when I was in High School, ten years ago. It was also possibly the last time that I spent -THAT- much effort making a fuss over my make up. Nowadays I tend to stick to mascara, bronzer and if I’m feeling fancy, I spruce my look up with eye shadow or a colourful lipstick.
The last time I spent weeks searching for the perfect outfit for the right occasion was probably over six years ago when all my friends and I were turning 21 years old and dressing to impress. Nowadays you’ll be lucky to see me out of my comfy tracksuit pants.

Halloween 2014 will always be known as the day Leyoncé Fierce & I merged into one

My point is you need to treat yourself! Before Halloween I couldn’t remember the last time I went all out on something, thoroughly spending time, money and effort doing what I loved and enjoyed, and it felt so goddamn good doing so!

Unfortunately I think with family, friends, work, routine and life in general, people forget to put themselves and their needs first. Which brings me to my last point:

You Are Amazing!
I Woke Up Like This - The morning after Halloween Party
Don’t forget that! Life is short and you need to reward yourself for being awesome. If there is something you want to do and nothing stopping you, then go do it! If you want to dress up Beyoncé for Halloween, then go do it. Clearly I cannot be the one to judge you, so no judgement here! At the end of the day, you are your own number one. If you’re not to spoil you, who will? People can love you and leave you, but you’ll always have yourself. Just remember that.

And if Beyoncé’s not proud of you, then I am.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Being Yoncé (part two of 3)

To Read Previous "Being Yoncé: Part One of 3"

“Driver roll up the partition, please ... Took (more than) 45 minutes to get all dressed up …”

From my photos, you can tell I put in a lot of time, effort and money into my costume and appearance as Beyoncé. So when I arrived to the party, it was almost like people assumed … no, ‘expected’, that I went through a complete body, brain, personality and talent transplant that reflected Beyoncé’s. So when ‘All the Single Ladies’ came on, I felt an indecent amount of pressure from partygoers to perfect the dance moves, with the equal amount of sass and talent Beyoncé portrayed in the clip. However I joked and resisted, saying I had a full-time job and didn’t have the time to “learn” the dance moves (… they didn’t need know I religiously watched the music video every night before bed, then dreamed about it in my sleep). Also this Beyoncé was off-duty and if you wanted to see her dance, you’d have to pay her. Although honestly, who can resist the limelight? Even the real Beyoncé cannot deny herself of so much fun.

‘Best Thing You Never Had’
We all know Beyoncé is an influential, inspiring women that commands attention as she walks in a room. It’s in her dance moves, sass and attitude. Simply put, she is a package deal. She drops an album without any promotion or public knowledge; it sells out and it goes platinum in a week. She’s talented, well respected, not ugly and intelligent. Women want to be her (I’m exhibit A of that), and men want to be with her … but for some reason though, this came a shock to me.

Men I hadn’t seen or spoken to in months / years, that I had met while travelling immediately got in contact with me as my photos surfaced on Facebook, expressing how they “missed” and “needed” me in their lives. That I ‘succeeded [the costume with] my body and everything’ and that they ‘missed a good chance with me’

… Honey! Firstly, I was born with this body. Secondly, I wasn’t aware you had a chance?

When telling my girlfriend’s about it, it all makes sense: People who are healthy, look after themselves and take pride in their appearance are incredibly sexually attractive, as they allow their happiness to radiate and shine through.

Me and my big, bootylicious butt

Leading up to the party I was watching what I was eating, exercising daily, rollerblading and feeling damn good about myself. Furthermore going to the effort of dressing up as Beyoncé, religiously watching the ‘Single Ladies’ music video, getting my hair professional done and spending quality time perfecting my make up, I was exuding that happiness, allowing it to shine through. Who knew all it took was a Beyoncé costume to reveal to these men what they were missing out on?

Continue to  "Part Three of 3: Being Yoncé"

Friday, 12 December 2014

Being Yoncé (part one of 3)

Unlike most years for Halloween, this year was different. An American girlfriend of mine was feeling nostalgic and wanted to get into the festive spirit of it all and themed her October 31st Birthday around it.

Initially my friend - knowing that I am a Beyoncé fan - suggested that I purchase a shirt saying, “I woke up like this” and rock up in the pyjamas. I was definitely enthused by her idea but thought I’d like to take it a step further. So I suggested I could dress up as ‘All the Single Ladies (Put a ring on it)’ Yoncé! She laughed, said that was awesome, “but will you be comfortable? I mean, it is quite risqué!”

I shrugged her off saying that ‘of course I’ll comfortable, I’mma be Yoncé’!

Beyoncé in all her glory

Flash forward a few weeks later when I was actually in store trying on black leotards, channelling my future Beyoncé. I finally came to the realisation of what my friend meant by being “risqué”. Alas, it was too late! Not only was I committed, but also dedicated and excited!

The Leotard

I booked the hair appointment, got my gradual tanning lotion out and religiously started watching ‘All The Single Ladies’ for make-up and Yoncé-spiration (pronounced yons-per-ration).

Phase Two: The Hair

The night came and I successfully transformed from Leah into my sassy, bootylicious alter ego, Leyoncé Fierce. I channelled my inner diva, relinquished her from her cage and bitch, was I fierce! So I thought, why not share with you what I learnt from being Yoncé:

No Pants, No Worries
My biggest concern being Yoncé was the black leotard and how much of me would be on show. I almost never leave home without my pants on, but this was one of those rare occasions that called for it.
I have come to learn that there is nothing like liquid confidence or liquid courage. So I strategically decided to apply my make up prior to alcoholic consumption (FYI ladies, applying make up drunk is never a wise idea, Jenna Marbles can explain).

Once my make up was done, I put my leotard on, along with a skirt to cover myself up. After having a couple of wines and travellers in the car, my friends and I arrived to the party, where I literally unzipped my skirt in the middle of the street, threw it in the car and said, “I won’t be needing that!” I then strutted into the party with my friends behind laughing at my ridiculous diva attitude, probably wondering where the hell it came from.

Leyoncé Fierce's transformation complete 

Bow Down Bitches
For the most part, it was pretty obvious to partygoers who I was. However one party patron politely asked who I was, so I flashed her a smile, showed off my hand jewels, hair, modelled my black leotard and even briefly attempted the ‘Single Ladies’ dance. She shrugged saying, “ergh, I don’t know? Ariana Grande?” … *Cue jaw-dropping shock*
I CANNOT even express my disappointment through words! I gasped, lowered my voice and asked, “Do you even know who I am!? BOW DOWN BITCH!”

… This must be how Beyoncé feels when she wants to be recognised by the media but gets confused as being a homeless bum. I’m sure it doesn’t happen often, but that was exactly how I felt.

Continue to "Part Two of 3: Being Yoncé"